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CS, Milwaukee, OR


Secret Beach
Nestled at the base of a sheer cliff just north of Kilaua, Secret Beach is well off the beaten track for good reason. You must hike down (and back up!) a rocky trail which izg zags through trees, gullies, and brush. The walk down will take about 7 minutes, and it is pretty much straight down. As the path makes the last sharp plunge, you can see a magnificent stretch of sand
and a shining turquoise sea. In rainy times, this enormous beach may be partly covered by a lagoon fed by a stream winding down behine the beach. Towards the right you'll see the Kilauea lighthouse. Swimming is risky. Surf can rough, and currents strong and unpredictable. In winter, this beach, enormous as it is, can disappear almost entirely under huge crashing waves. Instead of swimming, walk along the water, hunt for shells, and forget everything
but the feel of wet sand between your toes. Bring a picnic lunch from Farmer's Market Deli in Kilauea and lots of fresh water. The walk back up will take about 10 minutes, just long enough to readjust to the world you left behind. This would not be a good idea in the mud, so don't come after a soaking rain. Pick a clear day and enjoy one of Kauai's best secrets!
For more beach reviews, consult your Kauai Underground Guide.
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